Good riddance to bad rubbish! The man who was once romantically involved with the high-level Fannie Mae executive who helped develop the lending programs that ultimately led to the total breakdown and collapse of the subprime mortgage market and fueled the economic explosion that we are still suffering through is officially retiring. After receiving campaign contributions from the failing subprime giants, it's no wonder that Frank defended their existence and denied their financial problems until their collapse, claiming the problems were “exaggerated.”
Mass Media & OWS, take note: You want accountability for the current economic problems, here’s your man.
Chapter 2: The Profile of an Occupy Wall Street Protester
Claiming that because they’ve been metaphorically, ah…poo’ed on by banks and corporations their whole lives, protesters are resorting to strange means to prove their point. A point. Any point. We know they must have a point, but aside from being anti-stormtrooper / anti-police / anti-business, no one is sure what that realistic point is ...or even what their overall goal is with these protests. Nonetheless, after weeks of protests, an overall image of the Occupy Squatter group is emerging, and what does that look like?
Note: I've included links to news articles or YouTube videos on each of the points I mention as proof that this isn't just an over-generalization based on one or two random stories, but rather is the consistent, reoccurring theme of the nationwide group as a whole. Occupiers who don't want to be associated with such filthy, violent anarchists would do well to disassociate themselves from the group entirely.
These Occupy Squatters have a deranged sense of reality, if they think they can show up around various cities in large numbers, once again displaying either A.) their complete ignorance in the permitting process, and/or, B.) their complete disregard for the Rule of Law and double standard for the bureaucratic they force upon other groups. They incite violence when the police show up to disperse the unlawful mob and then act indignant when the police begin to use force to remove them.
Take this Occupy DC Mom, for example:
Sure, Martin Luther King, Jr. encouraged bringing kids, pregnant women, and grandparents to protests -- but does she honestly think that bringing Grandma to the protest is the same as throwing Grandma under the protest bus?
I can think of a few other groups who like to employ the same tactics... the terrorist organization Hamas and violent Palestinians hoping to eradicate the Jewish population off of this planet. They use kids as human shields too.
Any responsible parent would have brought their child to the protest and then removed them from harm's way when the scuffle started. No, instead this woman dumped them right on the front line and used them as decoys to further her cause.
With her tribute to MLK, Jr., she envisions herself, no doubt, as some patriotic civil rights warrior, defending injustices worthy of the 1960's movement. The irony is, however, that instead of participating in a peaceful, directed movement worthy of history books, she's gotten herself involved with a bunch of mis-directed miscreants more akin to the Black Panther Party.
Here's an excellent post from Henry Payne of The Detroit News that I'm re-posting here:
Torch Lake, Michigan- The Michigan has snapped exclusive pictures of millionaire film-maker Michael Moore's 10,000-square foot summer mansion on Torch Lake in Northern Michigan. It is a pad right out of Robin Leach's "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" with a sprawling lakefront facade that looks out over the lake's deep, azure waters that have attracted America's very rich for decades.
And like Moore's primary address on the gold-lined streets of Park Avenue, Torch Lake is long way from the grimy turf of Oakland, California City Hall and Zuccotti Park where One Percenter Moore poses as a spokesman for the Occupy Wall Street movement.
From Torch Lake to Charlevoix to Bay Harbor on Lake Michigan, northern Michigan's lake region is where the successful come to relax. Fellow Moore celebrities like Bruce Willis, Madonna, and Tim Allen all have homes here. As do corporate execs that Occupy despises: Big Three millionaires like ex-Chrysler Chairman Bob Eaton, and Auto mogul Bill Schuiling and boat-magnate John Winn among them.
But calling Moore's lake property a "home" would be an understatement. This is a manor. A Kennedy compound. An ostentatious, big-foot show of wealth.
Flint-native Moore bought the original 2,500 square foot home, local real estate sources say, then gobbled up two surrounding lots to expand his massive estate. Antrim County public records (see nearby) show the property in the name of Moore and his wife, Kathleen Glynn, and lists its taxable value at nearly $1 million. Local real estate agents estimate the real value of the 7,500-12,000 square foot compound at $2 million (see an overhead view at BigGovernment.comhere).
A Michigan View survey of the area (see nearby photos) finds an exclusive community of homes and boat slips with housing values ranging from to $500,000 to Moore's high-end $2 million. The film maker's millions that have come in part from sweet subsidy deals that Occupiers decry as payoff to the politically-connected rich. In 2010 Moore received a $1 million handout from the Michigan government to make his anti-One Percenter movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story."But Moore hardly needs to take money from the pockets of this state's 99 Percenters, One of his previous movies, Fahrenheit 9/11, has made $222 million alone.
"I'm saying that we do not have a complete democracy if the economy is not a democracy," Moore told CNN in 2009 in denouncing the same special interest tax handouts he has taken. "(Corporations) think the richest one percent should be calling all the shots, should be buying the politicians, making the decisions."
Moore's hypocrisy is a perfect fit for a confused Occupy movement that boasts support from Big Labor, millionaire musicians andspoiled Harvard kids. The film-maker rallied the crowd in front of Oakland City Hall in California by urging them to expand their protests to leafy suburbs like Oakland's middle-class Walnut Creek. "That's where all the money is, right?" he said.
Actually, Torch Lake is where the money is. In addition to taxpayer subsidies, Moore's wealth comes from multinational corporations like Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment - a subsidiary of Sony - that distributed Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD.
As Occupy Detroit and other encampments get curfewed out of America's inner cities, they should look to squat to the wealthy estates of Northern Michigan. Call it Occupy Michael Moore.
This blog is long overdue.
We are just two average twenty-something U.S. citizens who love liberty and common sense almost as much as we love the written word. (See? Hot chicks can blog too.)