Monday, November 28, 2011

Occupy Wall Street for Dummies

Chapter 1: 
Stock Market for Dummies

Chapter 2: The Profile of an Occupy Wall Street Protester
Claiming that because they’ve been metaphorically, ah…poo’ed on by banks and corporations their whole lives, protesters are resorting to strange means to prove their point. A point. Any point. We know they must have a point, but aside from being anti-stormtrooper / anti-police / anti-business, no one is sure what that realistic point is ...or even what their overall goal is with these protests. Nonetheless, after weeks of protests, an overall image of the Occupy Squatter group is emerging, and what does that look like? 

Note: I've included links to news articles or YouTube videos on each of the points I mention as proof that this isn't just an over-generalization based on one or two random stories, but rather is the consistent, reoccurring theme of the nationwide group as a whole. Occupiers who don't want to be associated with such filthy, violent anarchists would do well to disassociate themselves from the group entirely.

Affinity for Public Urination / Defecation

Unsanitary Diseases & Infestations

Dead Bodies

Exceptions to “Rule #1: NO VIOLENCE”
Clearly, the only thing that’s rampant in the camps are diseases, filth, and a surprising lack of personal hygiene, common sense, and common decency.


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